Gender pay gap

    • Jennifer Reeves
    • 1st January 2023

    At Motorway, we help thousands of UK car owners sell their vehicles every week so it’s important we have diverse teams to represent the customers we serve.  We are focussed on promoting equality, diversity and inclusion among our teams, and on continuously shaping  the company behaviours, processes and policies required to do this.

    It should go without saying we are committed to equal pay: the payment given to men and women doing the same job at the same level. 

    As a company that has rapidly scaled to more than 250 people, this year we are reporting our gender pay gap for the first time – the difference between the average hourly pay of men and women across all roles at Motorway.  

    Like many tech companies, our gender pay gap has been impacted by an ongoing shortage of women in the UK tech sector, which often limits the number of female candidates applying for open roles.   This shortage has led to a gender imbalance at Motorway, where more than a third of our teams are technical specialists such as engineers and product developers. Currently, whilst a third of our Motorway team is female, the percentage is lower in our tech and leadership teams, and this has contributed to our gender pay gap being higher than we would like, at 19.7 percent.

    We want to do better than this.  We need to continue to build a pipeline of talented women entering the business, particularly into specialist tech and leadership positions, as well as supporting our existing female employees to develop their careers and progress into more senior roles in the company.  Actions we are taking include:

    • Partnering with progressive organisations to support our focus on recruiting specialist female tech talent such as She Can Code and Black Girls in Tech
    • Ensuring female candidates are interviewed for all senior management and leadership positions, with a minimum of one female on each shortlist
    • Ensuring our hiring managers undertake training on how to recognise and avoid unconscious bias
    • Helping more junior women and men at Motorway progress to more senior roles  through our learning and development programme
    • Giving every high potential senior level team member, regardless of gender, the opportunity to partner with an executive team mentor who can advise, champion and support them in their careers (2023)
    • Investing in our Diversity and Inclusion Committee which comprises a cross section of our teams and is focussed on making Motorway an even more diverse and inclusive place to work

    We will be reviewing our plan to reduce our gender pay gap on a quarterly basis and our hiring plans monthly at executive level, to ensure we remain focussed on taking action and improving over the next 12 months and beyond.