Sell your JCB the Motorway way
7,500+ car dealers compete to give you their best price* for your JCB
Instant valuation
Our valuation tech uses live market data to estimate your JCB’s value accurately.
Get your highest price
We’ll find the dealer in our network who’ll pay the most, without the hassle.
Free home collection
Complete your sale in as little as 24 hours, with free collection & fast payment.†
Oh, and it’s 100% free
Dealers pay a fee to buy your car. That means it’s completely free for you.
Sell your JCB for more money
When Graham realised his son was serious about taking his driving test, he turned to the well-loved but underused car parked in his garage. Selling it on Motorway for more money than expected meant he could buy his son a smaller car, perfect for practising parallel parking.
Join 250,000+ people who’ve sold the Motorway way 😎
How it works
1. Profile your JCB
Ready to let dealers compete? Enter your reg to get an instant valuation and create a car profile from your phone. Easy.
2. We do our thing
We alert the 7,500+ car dealers in our nationwide network and they make their best offer for your JCB in our online sale.
3. Get your best offer
We'll present the highest offer for you to approve, then arrange a date for your car to be collected, for free, of course.
4. Complete your sale
You receive fast payment† in your bank account within 24 hours of collection. Ta-dah, you've sold your JCB the Motorway way!
JCB owners like you have rated us ‘Excellent’
7,500+ verified dealers ready to buy your JCB
This is the way. This is the Motorway.
There are so many ways to sell your car that it can often feel overwhelming – so we created a better way to sell from home, that’s quick, easy, and completely online. This is the Motorway way!
Profile your vehicle and over 7,500 verified dealers will compete to give you their best price. You'll get the highest offer from our network, and the winning dealer will even collect your car for free, with fast payment.
It’s a simple, straightforward process that can be done right from your phone – and you can get a sale agreed in as little as 24 hours. Oh, and it’s 100% free!
No way? Yes way! Motorway – the way to sell your car.