Sell your Rolls-Royce the Motorway way
7,500+ car dealers compete to give you their best price* for your Rolls-Royce
Instant valuation
Our valuation tech uses live market data to estimate your car’s value accurately.
Get your highest price
We’ll find the dealer in our network who’ll pay the most, without the hassle.
Free home collection
Complete your sale in as little as 24 hours, with free collection & fast payment.†
Oh, and it’s 100% free
Dealers pay a fee to buy your car. That means it’s completely free for you.
Sell your car for more money
When Graham realised his son was serious about taking his driving test, he turned to the well-loved but underused car parked in his garage. Selling it on Motorway for more money than expected meant he could buy his son a smaller car, perfect for practising parallel parking.
Join 250,000+ people who’ve sold the Motorway way 😎
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How it works
Rolls-Royce owners like you have rated us ‘Excellent’
7,500+ verified dealers ready to buy your car
Sell my Rolls Royce
Have a Rolls Royce you’re looking to part with? Do it the no-hassle way with Motorway!
Selling your Rolls Royce the Motorway way
Our dealer network is made up of over 5,000 dealers from all over the UK. And you can find the perfect buyer for your car in as little as 24 hours!
Get a free valuation
Motorway’s valuation tool has been designed to be super clever. We’ve built it using smart data from our own sales platform and from the wider industry, too. That means when you input your reg and mileage, the price you get is based on how cars like yours really have been selling. And our valuations are totally up-to-date as well, so if you see a price you like, don’t wait!
Build your car profile
Now for making a car profile, but don’t worry, we don’t expect you to pen a great article all about how your car’s a great buy. Instead, we’ve made it super simple, you just need to tap to answer simple questions about your car’s conditions. And when it comes to photos, we’ll walk you through the key angles dealers want to see. It can all be done right from your phone!
Sit back and relax
We’ll add your car to our online sale and let our dealers know. All you have to do is sit back and wait. If a dealer likes your car, they have to prove it by making a good offer, one they don’t think any other dealer can beat. We’ve made it hassle free so they only have to compete with each other to buy your car. We’ll be in touch as soon as the sale is over to let you know what your highest offer was.
Your car is collected for free from your home
Your winning dealer will come to your home to collect your car, you don’t have to go anywhere! The dealer will inspect your car to make sure it matches your profile accurately and then you’ll be paid by secure bank transfer and you can expect the funds to arrive in your account within one business day.
You’ve sold your car the Motorway way!
Woo-hoo, you’ve sold the hassle-free way!
What model of Rolls Royce can Motorway help me sell?
Our dealers are interested in all sorts of Rolls Royce models, including:
- Rolls Royce Phantom
- Rolls Royce Phantom Extended
- Rolls Royce Cullinan
- Rolls Royce Ghost
- Rolls Royce Ghost Extended
- Rolls Royce Wraith
- Rolls Royce Dawn
- Rolls Royce Black Badge
A bit about Rolls Royce
Rolls Royce, full name Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited, is a British car brand that specialises in luxury vehicles. They are based in Goodwood, Essex, and only became known as Rolls-Royce Motor Cars in 1998. The name Rolls Royce has been in use since 1906, though these should not be assumed models of the current brand. The first official Rolls Royce was released in 2003, the Rolls Royce Phantom.
The name Rolls Royce and cars made with the name have been around since the early 1900s, in 1904 the very first Rolls Royce car was unveiled in 1904. Many of these early vehicles are what continue to be the well-known cars of the brand, but should not be confused as part of the modern day Rolls Royce brand. In 1930, Rolls Royce in its previous incarnation acquired Bentley and until 2002, many of these two brand’s cars were almost identical.
The brand is currently a subsidiary of BMW with the rights of the brand’s iconic ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ having been purchased from Volkswagen which continues to own previous Rolls Royce models. In 2010, in an effort to consolidate the new Rolls Royce brand and have it become as well known for its modern vehicles as well as its older vehicles before the brand was officially founded in 2003, extra marketing efforts saw China become the brand’s second largest market after America. In 2017, Rolls Royce made a one-off custom car known as the Sweptail, sold for almost $13 million, making it, at the time, the most expensive new car ever sold.
Sell your Rolls Royce
Sell your Rolls Royce with Motorway. Our network of 5,000+ verified car dealers compete to give you their best price*!