Are all electric cars automatic?

    a yellow VW EV

    The short answer is… yes, on the whole! 

    The majority of electric vehicles (EVs) are automatic. This is because they use an electric motor instead of a traditional internal combustion engine (ICE), which eliminates the need for a multi-speed gearbox. 

    EVs typically feature a single-speed transmission due to the motor’s ability to deliver instant torque and a broad powerband. The design simplifies driving, enhances performance, and improves efficiency. This makes electric cars not only good for the environment, but user-friendly and easy to operate too. 

    However, there are a few manual EVs about. Read on to find out more!

    Understanding EV transmissions

    an EV engine
    Electric vehicle engines are simpler than combustion engines.

    How do electric cars work without gears?

    Electric cars work without gears because an electric motor provides a consistent flow of power across a wide range of speeds. Unlike internal combustion engines, which require multiple gears to operate efficiently at different speeds, electric motors deliver instant torque and smooth acceleration without the need for gear changes. 

    This results in:

    πŸ‘ A simpler drivetrain

    πŸ‘ Fewer moving parts

    πŸ‘ Reduced maintenance 

    What are the advantages of single-speed EV transmissions

    There are plenty!

    A single-speed EV transmission strips back the drivetrain (the parts of the car that transfers power from the engine to the wheels) by using a single gear ratio, regardless of how fast the vehicle goes. This is possible because electric motors deliver consistent torque and power from a standstill up to high speeds. The absence of gear shifts ensures smooth acceleration and deceleration, enhancing the driving experience. 

    Additionally, single-speed transmissions reduce mechanical complexity. This results in fewer maintenance requirements and a potentially longer vehicle lifespan (see below for more on this), while also improving energy efficiency.

    The exception to the rule: Multi-speed EVs

    While most EVs use single-speed transmissions, there are a few EVs, sporty types designed for top road performance, that use multi-speed gearboxes. These multi-speed EVs, such as the Porsche Taycan and some other high-performance models, employ multiple gears to optimise efficiency and performance at various speeds. 

    Multi-speed transmissions can enhance acceleration and extend range by allowing the motor to operate more often in its most efficient range. However, they are rarely seen on the roads due to the added complexity, cost, and maintenance compared to the simplicity and reliability of single-speed systems, which suffice for most driving scenarios.

    The benefits of automatic EVs

    Simplified driving experience

    Electric cars’ automatic transmission and instant torque delivery offer an easier and more intuitive drive. Without needing to change gears, drivers enjoy smooth and seamless acceleration.

    The absence of a clutch and manual gear shifting also contributes to a more relaxing and enjoyable driving experience. Drivers can focus more on the road and less on operating the vehicle.

    tesla driving on a road
    There are many driver benefits to the automatic transmissions powering EVs.

    Reduced maintenance costs compared to ICE vehicles

    EVs generally have lower maintenance costs compared to internal combustion engine vehicles. This is because they have fewer moving parts, no oil changes, and less wear and tear on components like brakes, due to regenerative braking.

    You can expect:

    πŸŽ‰ Fewer breakdowns

    πŸŽ‰ Lower repair bills

    πŸŽ‰ Less need for frequent servicing

    Which all contribute to making EV ownership more economical over the long term.

    Increased efficiency and instant torque delivery

    EVs convert a higher percentage of electrical energy into mechanical power compared to internal combustion engines. This increased efficiency comes from their instantaneous torque delivery, and reduces energy waste as well as improving range. Instant torque delivery ensures rapid acceleration from a standstill, enhancing performance and responsiveness. 

    Great for new drivers

    EVs offer significant advantages for new drivers:

    🚘 Automatic transmission eliminates the need to learn manual gear shifting, making learning to drive a lot easier. 

    🚘 Instant torque and smooth acceleration reduce having to manoeuvre in traffic. 

    🚘 Many EVs also come with advanced driver assistance systems, such as adaptive cruise control and parking assist, which further help novice drivers.

    So what about manual transmission electric cars?

    As mentioned, there are a few manual electric cars on the roads. And there have been exciting developments in this field with experimental and prototype manual transmission electric vehicles being built.

    Why make manual EVs?

    Manual EVs aim to offer drivers a more engaging driving experience, akin to traditional manual transmission cars, by giving them control over gear selection. There have been experiments that underscore the adaptability of electric drivetrains and cater to enthusiasts who appreciate the tactile feedback and control of manual gear shifts.

    The future of manual transmission EVs

    The potential for manual transmissions in EVs remains uncertain but intriguing. Advances in electric motor technology and consumer demand could drive further development in this area. 

    However, challenges such as the inherent efficiency and simplicity of single-speed transmissions in electric cars may continue to favour automatic systems. But saying that, the possibility exists for manual transmission EVs to carve out a niche market, appealing to drivers seeking a blend of electric efficiency with the engaging driving experience of manual gear shifting.


    Will manual cars be phased out?

    Yes. Petrol and diesel cars will be phased out ahead of the 2035 electric switchover.

    Automatic vehicles historically faced challenges in the UK due to higher initial costs, perceived fuel inefficiency, and preferences for manual control.

    Is it better to drive manual or automatic in the UK?

    Choosing between a manual car and an automatic depends on personal preference and driving conditions. Some drivers like the control and engagement that manuals offer. While automatics may be preferred because of their ease-of-use and efficiency.

    Is it time to sell your car?

    Ready to learn more about valuing, maintaining, andΒ selling your car? Check out more of our guidesΒ here, covering everything from hybrid and electric car depreciation to converting your car to dual-LPG fuel.Β