Sell your Great Wall the Motorway way
7,500+ car dealers compete to give you their best price* for your Great Wall
Instant valuation
Our valuation tech uses live market data to estimate your car’s value accurately.
Get your highest price
We’ll find the dealer in our network who’ll pay the most, without the hassle.
Free home collection
Complete your sale in as little as 24 hours, with free collection & fast payment.†
Oh, and it’s 100% free
Dealers pay a fee to buy your car. That means it’s completely free for you.
Sell your car for more money
When Graham realised his son was serious about taking his driving test, he turned to the well-loved but underused car parked in his garage. Selling it on Motorway for more money than expected meant he could buy his son a smaller car, perfect for practising parallel parking.
Join 250,000+ people who’ve sold the Motorway way 😎
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How it works
Great Wall owners like you have rated us ‘Excellent’
7,500+ verified dealers ready to buy your car
Sell my Great Wall
We’ve made it easy to sell your car, no matter what the make or model. Gone are the old ways of stressful negotiations and struggling to find buyers, say hello to the Motorway way and sell your Great Wall!
Selling your Great Wall the Motorway way
Here’s how to sell your car with Motorway:
Start with a valuation
Easy, quick, free, and very smart, our valuations give a totally up-to-date and super accurate price for your vehicle. Our valuation tool is based on real-time data from across the industry and from our own marketplace, so there’s no guessing needed, only clever figures based on how cars really are selling right now.
Make a car profile
We’ll ask you some super simple questions, you answer them with a tap of your phone, that’s it! We don’t need you to write an essay about your car’s history because we’ve made it super simple to share all the key facts about your vehicle. The same goes for taking photos, we’ll walk you through all the angles we need, all easily taken with your phone camera.
You don’t need to do anything more once your car profile is made, just relax! We’ll add your car to our online sale and invite the 5,000+ dealers in our network to view it. If they’re interested, they can make an offer, and it has to be their best one, or else a fellow dealer could beat them to it. That’s how you get the best price every time. As soon as the sale is over we’ll give you a call to let you know the best offer that was made on your vehicle.
Your car is collected
Your winning dealer won’t require you to go anywhere, instead, they come to your home to pick up your vehicle. They’ll do a quick inspection to make sure it matches your car’s profile and then you’ll be paid by secure bank transfer.
All done!
You just sold the Motorway way!
What model of Great Wall can Motorway help me sell?
Motorway can help you sell all sorts of models of Great Wall, including:
- Great Wall WIngle 7
- Great Wall Wingle 5
- Great Wall Pao
- Great Wall Voleex
- Great Wall Pegasus
- Great Wall Peri
- Great Wall Florid
- Great Wall Hover
- Great Wall Coolbear
A bit about Great Wall
Great Wall Motor Company, also known as GWM, is a Chinese automobile manufacturer based in Baoding. Established in 1984, the company is China’s largest manufacturer of SUVs and pick up trucks, as well as one of the largest providers of plug-in electric vehicles. Notably, it was also the first private Chinese automobile company to make an initial public offering and thus become public in 2003.
Originally manufacturing trucks, Great Wall didn’t actually start making cars until almost 10 years after their conception in 1993. However, the Chinese government put a stop to this almost immediately as Great Wall did not have the correct permits for this transition from truck to car production. In fact, it wasn’t until 2010 that the brand once again switched interest from trucks to cars. While sales this year were considered underwhelming, Great Wall’s SUV offering at the time, the Haval H, was the second most purchased in China that year.
Great Wall entered the European market in 2006 offering vans initially and eventually also SUVs. This was followed by entry to the Australian market in 2009. Its international presence was strengthened in 2018 through a partnership with BMW to produce EV versions of Mini cars for distribution in China. Great Wall Brands also exist under different sub brands including Haval, ORA, TANK, and WEY. In Motorsport, Great Wall vehicles have also been used at the Dakar Rally, with their best place record being 8th in a Haval H8 model.
As of 2020, Great Wall has operations and market presence in dozens of countries including China, Peru, UK, Brazil, Germany, Argentina, Romania, Italy, and Ukraine.
Sell your Great Wall
Sell your car the Motorway way. Our network of 5,000+ dealers compete to give you their best price* for your Great Wall vehicle.