The V5C logbook – the ultimate guide
Last updated 22nd December 2023.
The V5C logbook is also known as the registration document, vehicle logbook, or simply the V5 form. It is the most important document you will possess as a car owner in the UK and it is essential to keep hold of it.
If you’re buying, selling, or already own a car, knowing about the V5C registration certificate is essential. Not having one for your vehicle can have serious implications for the value of your car when you want to sell it.

Your V5C explained:
- What is the V5C form / logbook?
- What information does the V5C document contain?
- How do I change the address on my V5C?
- What to do if I have lost my V5C?
- How do I get a replacement V5C document?
- How do I apply for a V5C document?
- How do I sell a car without a V5C?
- How to transfer or change ownership of a car using a V5C

Bookmark this guide to avoid any problems now or in the future. The V5C logbook is a straightforward document, but it’s worth knowing everything about it. You can end up receiving a substantial fine when the V5C logbook isn’t kept updated with your current information.
What is the V5C logbook?

The V5C logbook (also known as the V5 form or document) records the Registered Keeper (or Keepers) of the vehicle. Legally, that’s the person or business registering and taxing the vehicle, not necessarily the owner.
Normally the owner and registered keeper will be the same, but there are occasions where they might differ.
When you purchase a vehicle it’s always worth checking a bill of sale or receipt, or using an ownership checking service to see if the person you are buying it from is actually the legal owner.
When you have performed that check and bought a car, the previous owner must give you the green ‘new keeper’s details’ slip (V5C/2) of their V5C.
Similarly, if you are selling a car, the car buyer will expect you to have your V5C/2 form ready to hand over so they can become the new keeper.
If you do buy a car without being given the V5C/2, you can apply for a new logbook, but the DVLA and other organisations tend not to recommend this as it suggests the car you have bought was not from the official owner. Read more about selling a car without a V5C here.
Usually, you’ll normally only register your vehicle and get your V5C in the post when you buy, build, alter or import a car.
If you’ve created a kit car, made radical modifications, or restored a classic, the application will have specific conditions, including a ‘Built Up Vehicle Inspection report’ (form V627/1).
You’ll usually have to keep all the official receipts for the parts you’ve used. You’ll also need to go through the Type Approval process, and classic car owners generally have to join a recognised owners club who can then inspect the vehicle and approve it for use.
You’ll also need your V5C if you decide to invest in a personalised registration plate.
The V5C logbook itself is a four-page document that was blue in colour until 2012. Since then, all V5C documents are red, due to the theft of a number of blank certificates in 2006. So, the DVLA recommends owners update to the red version, and that’s the version now automatically issued.
If you’re buying a car and the owner has a blue document, the recommendation is to ask them to replace it with the newer, red version before paying any money for the vehicle.
What does a V5C logbook include?
A V5C logbook includes the following information:
- Date of first registration
- Current Registered Keeper
- The Previous Registered Keeper
- Vehicle Details including the model, vehicle tax class, engine size, VIN , chassis, frame number, and the colour.
- The forms to fill out and send to the DVLA if the registered keeper or the vehicle itself undergoes a change. It also has sections to complete if the car is scrapped, or if it’s permanently exported.
How do I change the address on my V5C logbook?

It’s vital to keep your address current on your V5C logbook. If you forget, you can potentially be prosecuted by the DVLA and fined up to £1,000. But it could be even worse.
Not only do reminders and forms for car tax get sent to the registered address for the vehicle, but so do speeding fines and other conviction notices.
That means you might only discover you have no insurance and have convictions for speeding after you’ve tried to claim for an accident or theft!
Fortunately, you can check your driving licence online, including for any current convictions, before updating your V5C. And there’s no cost to change your details.
To change your address on the V5C logbook, you need to complete your new House Number and Address in Section 6 of the document. Then send the complete logbook to:
SA99 1BA
Make sure you don’t tick the box for ‘New Keeper’, or fill in your name before sending it off. Don’t forget, you also need to keep the details of your Driving Licence updated with your current address as well. Fortunately, you can do that online and your new licence should arrive within two weeks.
After change of address, a new V5C logbook can take up to 6 weeks to arrive in the post. If your car tax is coming up for renewal in the next four weeks, it’s best to complete that first and then send off your V5C.
Alternatively, if your tax is due within the next month, you can take your V5C to a post office that handles vehicle tax, and update your address at the same time. You’ll need a copy or photocopy of your MOT certificate.

Lost V5C – what do to if you lost a logbook
It’s not unusual to have lost or misplaced your V5C in the chaos of life — especially if you move house. So you might need to order a new replacement. You might also need one if you bought a car and didn’t receive the V5C in your name within four weeks.
There’s a £25 cost to be issued with a new V5C vehicle logbook unless you’re a new keeper and still have the relevant section from the previous logbook, or it was destroyed by an insurance company as the vehicle has been categorised as C or S salvage. And you’ll need to complete a V62 Form to ‘Apply for a Vehicle Registration Form’, available here.
Fortunately, it’s a fairly short form to fill out. Once complete you’ll then need to send it to the DVLA with a cheque or postal order payable to ‘DVLA, Swansea’. Or, with the relevant section of the old V5C for new keepers.
You can also contact the DVLA for a replacement by phone on 0300 790 6802, or via their email service as long as your name, address or vehicle details haven’t changed.
How do I get a replacement V5C logbook?
The most common reason to need a new V5C logbook is if the original has been lost. However, you might also need a replacement if the original has been damaged, stolen or destroyed.
To get a replacement V5C logbook, just follow the same process as if the logbook is lost. You can either apply by phone or post, and there’s a £25 charge.
It can take up to 5 days to get a replacement if you apply by phone, and up to six weeks via post. You can find further details on how to apply for a replacement V5C on the Government’s website.
If your tax is also due, you can order a new logbook at a Post Office that deals with vehicle tax. Remember to take a V62 application and the £25 fee with you.
How to apply for a V5C logbook
When you buy a car, the dealer or previous owner will register you as the new owner and your V5C will arrive in the post. However, you might need to know how to apply for a V5C for other reasons.
We’ve covered the possibility of buying a new vehicle without a logbook, or it not arriving as expected. Just follow the information on lost and replacement V5C documents above.
You also need to apply for a V5C if your car has been built, modified, rebuilt or imported. The main difference in the process is if you’re registering a vintage or classic vehicle. This has slightly different steps to the process for a kit car or something radically altered.

The first process is for kit cars, radically altered, or kit-converted vehicles. All three examples will require the form V627/1 for a “Built-up vehicle inspection report”. That document will ask you to list the details of all major components and additional information.
You’ll also need the V5C registration certificate of the original vehicle, evidence of Vehicle Type Approval where required, official receipts for the vehicle and parts, build plans and photos of the car.
There’s a slightly different process for an old or classic vehicle. A reconstructed classic is determined as built from genuine period components from more than one vehicle and all over 25 years old. And it has to be a true reflection of the model. Meanwhile, an old vehicle is one that hasn’t been taxed since 1983 and therefore might never have been registered with the DVLA.
In both cases, you’ll need to apply for a V5C using the normal procedure. But also have the V765 form endorsed by a vehicle owners’ club for an old car or a full written report and inspection for a reconstructed classic.
In both cases, part of the process may enable you to list your car under an original or age-related registration number if possible.
How to transfer or change ownership of a car using a V5C
A car does not need to be sold on for an ownership transfer to take place. There are many scenarios where the ownership may need to change.
Examples of change of ownership include giving a car to family members, or divorce settlements that alter car ownership status.
If you sell or give away your car then you will always need to switch the legal ownership to the new owner. Thankfully it’s a simple process to transfer ownership.
Firstly, make sure you are already the registered keeper. Remember, this may not be the main driver of the vehicle, but it’s usually whoever bought the car (as they tend to fill out the purchasing paperwork).
To transfer ownership you need to fill out sections 6 and 8 of the V5C form. Make sure to tick the box that asks if the vehicle is changing keeper. Once these parts of the V5C are filled out, you will need to send it to the DVLA at the Swansea address.

Ready to sell?
Need to sell your car, or want to understand more about documentation or maintenance? Check out more of our guides here, covering everything from the paperwork you need when buying and selling, to various notices you may need to file with the UK’s driver and vehicle licensing agency.