Value My Car
Get a free car valuation, track its ongoing value, and sell at the best time for you

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Track changes to your car’s value with monthly alerts
Pinpoint when to sell your car for the best price

Accurate, real-time valuations
Our smart valuation tech uses live market data and our own sales stats to accurately value your car based on its age, make, model, and mileage.

Value history
Track your car’s valuation over the past 24 months. By visualising the rate of depreciation, as well as price trends across the year, you can decide on the best time to sell.

Monthly alerts
It pays to be in the know – literally! Stay informed about your car’s market value, with monthly email alerts, reminding you to track your value in real time, and sell at the best time for you.

Track your car’s depreciation
Motorway’s Car Value Tracker allows you to check what your car is worth now, and to see its value in previous months.
It’s free to use the tracker to see trends in your car’s value, so you can best decide when to sell.
Motorway’s valuations are based on live market data, to reflect current and changing market conditions for your specific vehicle.
Nearly all cars depreciate in value over time, but the rate and level of change are highly variable. Not only do age, mileage, and service history all impact the money you can expect when you sell your car – so do external factors such as current used car demand, emissions policies, and wider market trends.

How much is your car worth?
What your car is worth is closely tied to the make and model, and varies based on age, condition, mileage, fuel type, compliance to fuel efficiency regulations, market demand, and other external factors. Predicting the value of your car over time is complex – but Motorway’s Car Value Tracker does the hard work for you, instantly and for free.
Learn more about how you can expect your car’s value to change in our guides.
How we value your car
We value your car by using live market data from daily sales on Motorway’s used car marketplace as well as the broader car market. We compare how your make and model is selling across our nationwide network, against similar vehicles, including older and newer examples. This ensures our valuations are always as up-to-date and accurate as possible.
Using your reg and mileage, we base your valuation on your specific vehicle’s history – giving you a reliable valuation you can trust now and in the future.
Why should you value your car?
Whether you’re selling your car today or later, getting an accurate car valuation from a trusted source is essential for any car owner.
From petrol and diesel engine cars, to hybrid and electric, knowing your car’s value and depreciation rate is the first step to knowing when to sell – and getting the best price!