Sell your Maserati the Motorway way
5,000+ car dealers compete to give you their best price* for your Maserati
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When Graham realised his son was serious about taking his driving test, he turned to the well-loved but underused car parked in his garage. Selling it on Motorway for more money than expected meant he could buy his son a smaller car, perfect for practising parallel parking.
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Sell my Maserati
From family cars to luxury vehicles, if you’re looking to sell your car, Motorway and our network of over 5,000 dealers can help you find the best deal for your Maserati in as little as 24 hours.
Selling your Maserati the Motorway way
It’s quick, easy, and all done right from your phone!
Get a valuation
We’ve built a valuation tool that does away with the guessing and rough estimates that came with selling your car the old-school way. The Motorway way is about being quick, easy, and hassle-free. That’s why our valuations are based on clever data from the car industry and our marketplace so you get a valuation based on how cars have really been selling.
Create a profile
No lengthy writing needed, just a few taps on your phone. We’ll ask you some simple questions about your car that are easy to answer and compile them into a profile that tells dealers everything they need to know to make an offer. We’ll guide you through photo angles too, all taken from your phone’s camera.
All you have to do now is sit back and wait! Your car profile will be added to our online sale and we’ll alert dealers so they can view it and make an offer if they like what they see. And it better be a good one, because any of the thousands of other dealers who visit our marketplace could beat them to your car, that’s how you get the best deal without having to haggle with a single dealer. We’ll be in touch when the sale ends to let you know your best deal.
Collection time (right from home)
No need to take your car anywhere, the winning dealer will come and collect your car from your home. After a quick inspection, you’ll be paid by secure bank transfer.
That’s it!
All done, and all 100% free!
What model of Maserati can Motorway help me sell?
Motorway can help you sell all sorts of models of Maserati, including:
- Maserati Quattroporte
- Maserati Ghibli
- Maserati Levante
- Maserati MC20
- Maserati GranTurismo
- Maserati GranCabrio
A bit about Maserati
Maserati is an Italian car manufacturer based in Bologna and specialising in luxury vehicles. Its famed emblem, Neptune’s trident, is based on the statue of the Roman god found in Bologna’s Piazza Maggiore. Established in 1914, the brand was started by the Maserati brothers, Alfieri, Bindo, Carlo, Ettore, and Ernesto.
All five Maserati brothers had interest in automobiles with Alfieri being a skilled race driver who drove the very first Maserati vehicles to victory in the 1926 Targa Florio. Sadly, Alfieri was to pass away in 1932, but his brothers continued to run the brand, though five years later they would sell their shares to Adolfo Orsi. The brothers remained key engineers for the marque, and helped Maserati claim further racing victories, most notably triumphing in the Indianapolis 500, being the first and only Italian brand to claim the accolade.
The outbreak of World War II impacted Maserati in much the same way as other global car marques at the time, forcing them to stop car production and turn their attention to the war effort. Unlike many other car makers, though, Maserati’s return to form after the war was swift, with the A6 series performing well in the post-war era. Maserati also appointed key new people into its core team including Alberto Massimo, previously of Fiat with experience in Ferraris and Alfa Romeos, and Gioacchino Colombo, former apprentice of Vittorio Jano, famed designer of Lancia and Ferrari vehicles.
Under this new management, Maserati placed a new focus on performance cars that would set a new standard in racing. The 4CLT, A6 series, and iconic A6GCS were all a result of this new team and were also the last contributions of the remaining Maserati brothers who left the brand in the late 1940s. Maserati’s involvement, and impressive list of wins, would persist throughout the 1950s, ceasing only in 1957 when two fatal crashes saw the Mille Miglia race forever banned.
This change in direction saw Maserati turn its interests to road-going cars, with the first car that fit this new image, the 3500 GT massively boosting production numbers. The car is credited with saving the brand from demise after exiting the racing scene. The Maserati 450S was one of the most premium and fastest cars available at the time of its release, cementing Maserati as a premium brand.
In 1968 the brand underwent new ownership, becoming a submarque of Citroën. This gave the brand more secure financial backing and saw production rise with the release of models including the Indy, Bora, and Merak. However, even Citroën was not impervious to the challenges of the 1973 oil crisis which almost ended Maserati and did, in fact, nearly see Citroën collapse. Saved by a merger with Peugeot in 1974, the new partnership did not stop Maserati being put into liquidation the following year. An Argentinian industrialist, Alejandro de Tomaso stepped in and became the new owner of the brand in August 1975.
The following years saw Maserati start to produce more conventional cars, offering functional vehicles that maintained the Maserati sense of aspiration, which sold well throughout the ‘80s. Chrysler purchased a share of the brand in 1984, nine years later, Aljandro would sell his remaining shares to Fiat. By 2011, FIat would own the brand completely due to Chrysler's bankruptcy, but in the interim, Maserati would be owned by another of the world’s luxury car makers, Ferrari.
In 1999, Ferrari (itself owned by Fiat) took control of Maserati. This joining of long-term rivals served both well, with the 2002 entry into the United States resulting in Maserati’s largest global customer base. In 2010 the brand was joint with Alfa Romeo and Abarth to create a new brand group though the brands were announced to not use interchangeable technology in future models. By 2014, Maserati sold over 13,000 cars in the United States in a single year.
In 2022, Maserati followed many other car marques in their future-facing development plans and pledged that all its models will be made electric by 2025.
Sell your Maserati
Want to sell your Maserati? Our network of 5,000+ verified dealers compete to give you their best price*. That's the Motorway way!